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Basics steps to knowing your beads

                Ending/adding fishing line/thread (F.L)

 To end a F.L, weave back into the beadwork, following the existing F.L path and tying two or three half-hitch knots around the F.L between beads as you go. change directions as you weave so the F.L crosses itself. sew through a few beads after the last knot before cutting the F.L.

To add a F.L, start several rows prior to the point where the last bead was added. weave through the beadwork, tying half-hitch knots as you go, and exist where you left off.
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Arts and children.


 The developing brain of the children needs to be nurtured with different ingredients and one of which is "arts and crafts".
     Children, naturally are inclined to learn arts and crafts, and this aspect of their life has to be developed as it has a lot of benefits for them in life.

     The brain is divided into two equal parts" the hemispheres".the left is majorly involved in things that has to do with science and mathematics.The left being involved in what has to do with crafts and arts.
      The development of left hemisphere is as crucial as the right hemisphere that attention is focus on most of the time.

  So,children should be encouraged to participate in various arts and crafts for social,mental and all round development.
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Bead/crochet free classes

Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EZQzKk7rG8m1nJxeBgxS5K Learn more »

We're Here

Although we've been in business for years, we are finally here online! We are glad to be here  and hope you will be too!

Our blog will be updated regularly with tips, advice , styles and any necessary information on crafts, feature specials we may have throughout the year, and more!

We hope you subscibe to our blog or come back and visit us soon!

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